Zapomněli jste heslo
Vyplňte odpověď na kontrolní otázku a heslo Vám bude zasláno na Váš e-mail.
In case of any question, or if You want make an order through telephone, just call to CALLCENTER: +420 775 999 955. If your order is in process, please contact our employee, which comunicated with you allready. His or her telephone number is located in email signature or at this page.
Туристичний офіс
Panská 2, 602 00 Brno
Czech Republic
IČO: 26939207, DIČ: CZ26939207
zapsané u Krajského soudu v Brně, oddíl C, vložka 46479
- Booking department»
- IT»
- Accountant department»
- Company management»
Booking department
Head of booking department
Manager of orders
Manager of orders
Manager of orders
Head of IT department and development
Software development & PPC
Accounting and HR
Company management